L’incal by Alejandro Jodorowsky & Moebius


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The Incal is a complex book for structure and themes: in a future civilization, with the government contended between various political factions, the private detective John Difool receives from a dying Berg (an alien with the aspect of a bird) the light Incal, a sentient entity able to provide immense power to the one who owns it.
It will begin like this the various adventures of Difool to put through the Incal purpose and that will make the main character meet new friends.

The story is complex, both because of the political issues in the plot, both for the philosophical reasoning, that have the climax in the ending. The only recurrent element is the main character, not suited to be a hero but an honest representation of humanity always wandering for answers.

Concerning the graphic the book is wonderful and rich: the images are always realistic and very detailed; the illustrator skill comes out also in the evolution of Difool appearance during the story and in function of him having the Incal.

The Incal deserves some time to be read: going too fast some details could be lost (and I however am planning a re-read).


* The Incal by Jodorowsky & Moebius ★★★★★

*I read this book in Italian